ODPA represents more than 400 dairy farm families
from across the state, regardless of farm size, breed, production strategy, marketing preference, or political affiliation, who share a genuine concern
for the future of Ohio dairy farming.

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 Join ODPA


ODPA advocates for Ohio’s dairy farm families on issues that matter including animal care, water quality, manure management, labeling, taxes, trade and more. The more dairy farmers that ODPA represents,
the more impact ODPA will have!

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Industry Support

ODPA would like to thank its sponsors for their support.

THANK YOU TO OUR Diamond, platinum & gold sponsors 

Workers Comp

Save Money With A Group

With Sedgwick and ODPA, you can save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on your workers’ compensation premium just by being in a group rating program.

Through our workers’ compensation third party administrator, see how a group rating discount will reduce your costs and improve your bottom line.

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Ohio Ag Connection News

How Communities Can Overcome, Avoid Fiscal Emergency

Few things can be as traumatic to a county, school district, city, village or township as being declared to be in fiscal emergency as a result of defaulting on debt, failing to make payroll or running fund deficits.

Elephant and Cow Manure for Making Paper Sustainably

It's likely not the first thing you think of when you see elephant dung, but this material turns out to be an excellent source of cellulose for paper manufacturing in countries where trees are scarce, scientists report.

Husted Releases Educational Videon on State Issue 1

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted released an educational video to inform Ohioans about State Issue 1, which creates a bipartisan and public process for drawing congressional districts.

Ohio Dairy Research

Support Practical Dairy Research 

Managed by ODPA, the Ohio Dairy Research Fund supports practical dairy research through voluntary dairy farmer contributions.

Since 1982, the fund has assisted 132 different projects, with more than $827,000, in areas such as Johne's Disease, mastitis, reproductive performance, environmental toxins, manure utilization and nutrition.

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